
Wibax Magazine


Wibax a member of Fair Transport

The power over logistics largely lies with the companies and organisations that purchase transport services. Buyers of transport services decide how much they want to pay and when they want the goods delivered. This situation is not particularly sustainable in any regard, whether we consider safety, environmental issues, social responsibility or economy.
However, as logistics providers and haulage contractors, we can do our part through leading by example and showing what we do to act responsibly, drive safely and plan climate-friendly tansports. In doing so, we can influence not only transport purchasers to make better decisions, but also the ones requesting their services; the end customers.

Through Fair Transport, we can show that the total cost of transport includes more than just the cost of delivery. It’s a matter of giving drivers fair working conditions, of complying with laws and traffic safety regulations and of steadily improving the energy efficiency of our transports. By publishing our sustainability initiatives, we can show others that sustainable transports also require sustainable business.