
Wibax Magazine


Wibax elektrifierar den tunga logistikbranschen

With a number of maritime and road terminals as well as its own fleet of vehicles, Wibax transports chemicals and bio-oils to the Nordic market. In their new venture, they are seeking to achieve a truly sustainable logistics chain. With electrified, heavy trucks and mobile charging posts, they are now improving the logistics industry.

Since its inception, Wibax has set goals that pushed the boundaries of the logistics industry. Jonas Wiklund, Group CEO at Wibax, says that they have long worked for sustainability on all levels to ensure a business structure that can be maintained well into the future.

The new sustainability initiative that Wibax is engaging in aims to develop a fully electrified vehicle fleet by 2030 which is also 100 percent powered by self-produced electricity from newly established, sustainably produced electricity – which will be unique on the Swedish market. Currently, there are haulage companies that have electric vehicles, but only a few in the heavy category. However, Wibax does not want the electrification to put a heavier burden on an already stressed electricity supply, and therefore places great emphasis on the second part of the goal – to produce its own electricity from a new, sustainable source.

“As we own the entire logistics chain, we are responsible for making it as sustainable as possible, from several perspectives. Our Swedish terminals are largely carbon neutral, and the next step is to implement more sustainable road transport. This is where you can make the biggest difference”, says Jonas.

An all-electric vehicle fleet

The goal of achieving a fully electrified vehicle fleet by 2030 will be tough. If they are successful, however, the development could bring a boost both to Wibax and the industry as a whole.

“Our goal is aggressive, especially since the technology to achieve it does not currently exist. But development is moving forward by leaps and bounds and should have come far enough to achieve the goal by 2030”, says Jonas.

The investment includes building custom charging infrastructure that enables truck drivers to charge when loading and unloading.

“When we haul large loads, these take about an hour to load or unload, which gives sufficient time to charge enough to get to the next station, where the opportunity to charge again will be available”, says Jonas.

The technology allows for a higher productivity than the use of diesel vehicles, which need to stop to refuel. The effect that follows is then reduced costs and reduced environmental impact, which ensures sustainability in the long run and on all levels.

True sustainability

Jonas believes that economic and environmental sustainability should go hand in hand if sustainability is to be truly achieved. Therefore, all of Wibax’s investments are favourable from both perspectives.

“If environmental sustainability is not justifiable from an economic perspective, it will be too great a challenge to maintain a sustainability mindset in the long run. By developing solutions that are both environmentally and economically sustainable, we can ensure that sustainability work continues. Increased fuel costs alongside the fact that there is a limited amount of oil, could become problematic for the transport industry in the long run.” Jonas believes that new procedures should become standard in the industry before it is too late.

“Oil is a finite resource, and regardless of how you look at its environmental impact, the shortage of it will significantly affect the transport industry. A substitute, for example electric vehicles, will make it easier for the industry in the future”, he says and concludes:

“Our investments enable sustainability work that is good for both the environment and the company’s finances. We have had tough growth targets from the start – and it is through achieving these targets that the real change happens.”

(The article is produced by Brand Studio in collaboration with Wibax and not an article by Dagens industri)